Between the periods of October 12th to November 5th, Holy Name Convent was thrust into the bazaar fundraising frenzy. With each class meticulously planning their fundraising sales to attract the most attention from the population, we saw an increase in creativity and methodology. Classes became more efficient in their deliveries and the sales followed through without a hitch.
Amongst the ever so popular raffles and breakfast sales that Holy Name Girls and their respective teachers carry out in an attempt to raise money for their stalls, this year, we were graced with a few never before seen fundraisers. Theses fundraisers include:
- A numerous number of ice cream sales courtesy of Form One West, fitted with Haagen Dazs waffle cones and a variety of toppings that was in such a great demand, that it had to be continued during lunch each time it was held.
- Four Central held a snow cone sale, of which news quickly spread throughout the school. Students lined up to purchase a sweet snow cone filled to the brim and topped with milk. It was such a great success- that it was held twice!
- It was surprising to walk into school to see a doubles vendor on the compound. Form Three Central utilized the common love for doubles and saw a way to raise funds for their stall, and a success it was!
- From One Central aimed to combat the sugary sweet fundraisers with their Salad Sale, as a healthy alternative lunch idea. They also held a lasagna sale, both of which were wildly appreciated by the student body along with their efficient delivery.
- Nostalgia flew in the Marian Hall, where Form Five West held “Throw Back Thursdays” during lunch, where the mass of students gathered to view films such as Kim Possible, a childhood favourite of many.
It is always such a treat to view the student body hard at work in preparation of bazaar. On Friday November 5th, the day before our annual Christmas Bazaar, students abandoned their classes after periods two and three, and launched fully into bazaar mode. Tables and chairs were moved into the hall, posters were made and last minute decorations were assembled as the student body worked on their respective stalls. Glitter seemed to exist everywhere as the final touches on stalls were made, and the student body unified into one common goal, raising money to better our beloved school.
Holy Name Convent wishes a gratified vote of thanks to you, the parents, the teachers, and lastly, the students for all your continued support and motivation to ensure that this bazaar became a success.