Have stuff to sell?
Register and book your spot!
- Want to make some extra cash for the holidays?
- Do you make and sell jewelery, jams, lotions?
- Do you have books, Cds, DVDs for sale?
- Do you have art pieces, crafts for sale?
- Do you have plants, christmas poinsettias for sale?
- Christmas cleaning and have clothes, shoes, bags you want to sell?
Then come participate in HNC PPA’s CAR BOOT SALE.
Register for a spot, drive in, set up and sell! That easy!
- Cost: Cars $200 | Vans/SUVs $300 | Tents $400 | Extra table $50 each
Register now (hncpastpupils@gmail.com) and spread the word that you’ll be at Queen’s Hall on Saturday 26th November at HNC PPA’s Car Boot Sale.
Looking for Christmas gifts for friends and family. Need items for your home. Then stop by the Car Boot Sale! There’ll be jewellery, children’s clothing, household items, electronics, cosmetics, body and bath products, baby gift sets, decorations, books and much more.
Don’t miss HNC PPA’s Car Boot Sale. The early bird catches the worm!
- Date: November 26th, 2016
- Time: 7am – 1pm
- Venue: Queens Hall Car Park
- Call: 723-7370/739-3570 for information