On Wednesday September 23rd 2015, HNC’s PTA held its Annual General Meeting at the school
auditorium. Despite the significant levels of traffic around the Savannah, the turnout of parents
proved to be one of the largest in years, a testament to levels of interest and commitment of our
parent body.
Those who attended were treated to an in-depth address by our principal, Mrs. Aqui, on school life
and the “ideal student”. This was followed by a presentation from the President of the PTA
Executive, Mr. Jerome McCarthy, who provided an outline of the activities of the PTA over the past
year and the plans proposed for the immediate future. The Treasurer, Mrs. Ribeiro, then presented
an overview of the accounts, which was followed by a short discussion on some changes to the PTA
Constitution (the new version has since been uploaded to the website).
The existing Executive then retired, and elections held. The new Executive is as follows:
President – Jerome McCarthy
Vice President – Robert Niamath
Secretary – Catherine John
Treasurer – Maxine Ribeiro
Assistant Secretary – Sonja Julien Wells
Assistant Treasurer – Martin De Silva
Sports Administrator – Charles Mitchell
PRO – Cherisse Aanensen
Class Liaison Officer – Joanne Esdale
Education Officer – Anthony Ferguson
Trustee – Leolean Calix-Francis
Trustee – Melissa Alexander
Trustee – Robert Telucksingh
Trustee – Candice Hughes-Bengochea
Principal – Wendy Aqui
Vice-Principal – Frances Lacaille Perkins
Honorary Member – Tracey Hoford
HNC wishes to thank all parents who contributed to the success of various PTA initiatives over the
past few years and looks forward to continued support.
Attached are some pictures from tonight’s event.