The girls’ of Lower 6 this year designed their annual Notice Boards’ for their individual houses. Each house was assigned a certain year to represent a certain year from Sr. Marie Thérèse’s Rétout book; along with the general theme of “Metamorphosis.” The girls took up the challenge and designed some impressive yet timeless looking boards; however since they’re being judged; there must be a winner and unfortunately a loser.
St. Dominic’s
“In November 1902; French families asked the Dominican Sisters to educate their daughters and the sisters agreed. Thus this time can be regarded as the time of birth of Holy Name Convent Private School. Two girls from Martinique; whose homes were destroyed by a volcanic eruption; were adopted by the Dominican sisters as well.” This was the selected lines for the board. Was this demonstrated in your opinion; as well as the theme?
St. Albert’s
“In November 1920; electricity was installed at Holy Name Convent and the Chapel; bringing an improvement to daily living conditions.” This was the excerpt the girls’ of St. Albert’s represented; the time our school now got electricity. In the speech bubble, they also mentioned some other years; some being:
- 1923- Dominican sisters ran the Reformatory for girls.
- 1926- The sisters constructed a one-story house at the back of the pavilion Notre Dame
- 1927- The corner store was blessed in February and the school itself in September
- 1928- The boarding school opened, and there was a success of the students at Sheffield and Cambridge examinations.
What do you think? Were the theme and the excerpt properly portrayed?
St. Catherine’s
The girls’ of St. Catherine’s decided to cover multiple years; ranging from 1954-1990. Some key factors they included from those years are:
- 1955: First o’ level scholarship winner- Angela Rajnauth
- 1960: First student to enter London University at 18 years- Jacqueline Ray
- 1974: completion of the Holy Name Centre
- 1990: New art/science block was constructed
Do you think these points were well represented; and did it blend well with the theme?
St. Roses’
St. Roses’ were responsible for 2000- to the present year. There are points written on the yellow edge of the rose which, unfortunately; the camera couldn’t pick up. The content of the rose included:
- 2006: The restoration of the Chapel Sacristy was done.
- 2010: Miss Renée entered the congregation of The Dominican Sisters
- 2012: Grand celebration of the 120th anniversary of the the Holy Name Training Centre
- 2013: Mayor repairs and renovation of the Holy Name Chapel and the Convenient were done in the course of this year
Do you think the board well represented the years along with the theme?
Final Results:
- 1st Place: St. Catherine’s
- 2nd Place: St. Roses’
- 3rd Place: St. Dominic’s and St. Albert’s