Holy Name Sports Day 2017 has just passed us by so quickly; yet the day was jam packed with tons of hysterical, entertaining and unforgettable memories. This is a day where everyone allows themselves to let loose to have fun; and its also a great time to see crazy teachers get REALLY CRAZY, which thankfully; most of it was caught on camera. This, just like any other sports day, had its own unique and spectacular events that made this sports day an enjoyable one.
Do you have any rhythm what so ever? (Marching is mandatory so just say yes.) The cool morning kicked off with the usual house marching, everyone’s ABSOLUTE favourite thing to do. This is the point where everyone tries to look as uniform as possible and pray they remember their routine because even if you don’t like marching; dis-uniformity will make you stand out from the rest of your house- and no one wants that.
Final Results:
1st Place- St. Roses
2nd Place- St. Catherines
3rd Place- St. Alberts
4th Place- St. Dominics
These little cheetahs sprinted across the field in high hopes of coming 1st and winning their house some points. The blazing sun didn’t matter to them; all that mattered was defeating their opponents. The girls who didn’t win however showed true sportsmanship by congratulating the winners.
“Lets see people fall in groups of 2 with their legs tied to each other,” was probably the thought of the person who invented the 3 Legged race. This amusing race always has people on the sides cheering on; whether they are cheering for their house or for someone to go down and take their partner down with them is the question.
Caterpillar race is basically the 3 legged race except if someone falls, it’s six people going down instead of two. (This race usually has more spectators……………I wonder why.)
Sack race, informally known as “Jumping people-potato race” is a peculiar one as this race doesn’t test running speed, but how fast you can prance like a kangaroo in a bag all the way to the finish line. Watching the human hot-potatoes hop to the finish line is simply intriguing and delightful.
Bucket brigade tested people’s ability to run from one point to another, trying to move quickly and spilling as little water as possible in order to fill a bucket on the other side. This race is probably best suited for those couch potatoes as they have the most experience running from the kitchen to the living room with their drink, trying not to spill any because they’re favourite show is on.
And who could forget the loud, ear bursting pops of those sat-on balloons in posterior pop. The balloons had a lifespan of approximately 5 seconds as they were blown up; sent across the track by a runner; just to have them burst by someone’s posterior. Needless to say everyone was enjoying themselves for this race; except the balloons and the posterior of the poppers.
Mr. Dookhi decided to change up the game a bit for himself, as he did belly pop instead of posterior pop.
Speaking of teachers, we can’t leave out the Staff race. This is the only event where it’s staff member VS. staff member for points for their houses. These races usually go by quickly because they seem more determined to win these races than some of the girls who run for their houses.
We also have the Staff obstacle race, where the girls they cheered for the previous obstacle course, came back to cheer them on for their race.
The winning members seemed so pleased with themselves, Ms. Joseph even began doing a little dance.
There are few honourable pictures that need to be shown before Sports Day champion. Although all can’t be captioned, because some teachers were more camera shy than others; they none the less are too precious not to be featured.

Victrix Ludorium:

Overall Results:
Reigning champions from last sports day, St. Catherines, achieved their hard-worked crowning glory as they came 1st place. St. Roses house nearly took away their title however, as they were only behind by 2.3, giving it a near victory for Catherines. St. Dominics managed to obtain 71.05 while St. Alberts had 65.68 points. Catherines celebrated their victory by running out onto the field, and Mr. Charles took a selfie and pictures with his proud, winning house.